Table Capture · Support

Below are some resources to help you with Table Capture.

George's Demo Videos

I've recorded so many videos that have been posted to my YouTube Channel. The ones below are worth highlighting though.

Dynamic Tables
Demos of capturing tables that grow / load more as you scroll. Dynamically Scrolling List of Baby Names HuggingFace Leaderboard Extraction
Paged Tables
This video shows how to capture a multi-page table. Paged Tables + Excel Export (April 2022)
Community-recorded Demo Videos

Note: The below videos and links were produced by the Table Capture community and some are in languages I myself do not speak. They are included here to show the variety of ways people use Table Capture. They are not endorsed by, but I do very much appreciate the users that have created and shared them!

This is an Indonesian-language demo of using Table Capture on SIKS-NG Copy Data KPM PKH dari SIKS NG ke Excel
Ini juga dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ini adalah tutorial dasar tentang penggunaan Table Capture: Scraping Data atau Memindahkan Data Tabel dari Website ke Excel
This is a well-produced demo of using Table Capture to get Dune Analytics data using Table Capture's ability to auto-page a dynamic table. @swunicorn's Table Capture + Dune Analytics Demo